April 26 2012

This year when you undertake random acts of kindness on April 26 we ask that you do it in memory of Vance Hyde (1922 0 2012). On April 26 Vance would of celebrated her 90 th Birthday, however see passed away last month. Vance was a much loved member of the
Pay It Forward Community and the daughter of Catherine Ryan Hyde the author of
Pay It Forward. Before the bracelet; before the movie and even be Catherine penned the book was her mum Vance, thus it could be said Vance has given birth to the Pay It Forward Movement. As a movement we are motivated to carrying our random acts of kindness at any time. These acts can range from opening the door for someone, writing to a prisoner or nursing home resident, supporting a postcard to a random person, buying the person in front of you a cup of coffee or paying for someone's fuel while expecting nothing in return. However sometimes it can be an organise event to help a person, organization or community.
Vance Hyde Pay It Forward Day 2012 is a great day to do any of these in memory of Vance. For more information
click here. Recently we had a global share the book flash mob. Where we shared the books that shaped as lives in the hope it would do the same for someone else and they to would pay it forward to someone.

In Australia it is National Year of Reading as a writer I do see a better way of
Paying It Forward than encouraging people to read, gain knowledge and wisdom, in particular the young. I admit that our Flash Mob in Ipswich didn't create ad huge flash, but being undertured we want to correct that. A few of us have been talking and we think its still one of the best ways to Pay It Forward in our community. So where talking about a bring, reading and swap books event on Vance Hyde Pay It Forward Day! We're toss about some different venues, times and style if event. Talking books over coffee or lunch. Reading a good book should be relaxing. We just want to bring and share the books we love and love to read. The two viable options are coffee somewhere Thursday night or a picnic brunch on the Saturday. If you want to put your two cents in then nows the time to do it. Leave us a comment on out blog or facebook page.
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