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Six Hours One Friday. . . by Max Lucado . . . It was no ordinary Friday, during the six hours it took Jesus to die on the cross, the most extraordinary things occurred. Day turned to night, their was an earthquake and the veil of the temple tore in two. (The veil in the Jewish Temple separated the people from, the Holy of Holies. Christian believe the tearing of the veil on the day Christ died, means we are no longer separated from the presences of God. We no longer need the Priest to make a sacrifice on our behalf. Jesus was the supreme sacrifice allowing us direct access to God).
It only took three nails to hold Jesus to the cross (imceridetible I know but that's a story for another time). In Six Hours One Friday Max uses the three nails to explain the three anchor points in our earthly Life. 1. My life is not futile; 2. My Failures are not fatal and 3. My Death is not final
Currently Reading . . .
Hannah's Choice by Hannah & Kirsty Jones - Mother and daughter tell the story behind Hannah's brave choice to have a pacemaker inserted instead of a heart transplant. This beautiful book is written by both each from their own experience of living with a life treating illness and the responsibilities and consequences of medical decisions that affect Hannah's life and potentially how long she will live.
Currently Reading . . .
Hannah's Choice by Hannah & Kirsty Jones - Mother and daughter tell the story behind Hannah's brave choice to have a pacemaker inserted instead of a heart transplant. This beautiful book is written by both each from their own experience of living with a life treating illness and the responsibilities and consequences of medical decisions that affect Hannah's life and potentially how long she will live.
Philip Yancey's A Skeptic's Guide to Faith - What on earth are we missing? Written for those of us who sit on the borderline of faith? Maybe there is and maybe there isn't a reason behind this life that living. Yancey exposes the invisible life between what we can see and obverse and what we can't.

Each year a lottery is held to selected two constants to compete to a survival game in which only one will win and survive. The story is told by 16 year old Katniss. Who volunteers to take part in the Hunger Games for District 12. After her younger sister's name was drawn in the lottery the year she turned 12, the first year a person becomes eligible to compete. It is rare for someone to volunteer from district and only twice has district 12 won the games. There lives are now dependant on former winner and district drunk as he mentors Katniss and Peetz to compete. No one expects much from a competitor form district 12, until Katniss steps into the arena and casts her spell. . .

As a Christian I believe the Bible or Scriptures is The Word of God, handed down to us. It is an accurate account of the history of mankind. As we were created by God for his pleasure. For me the bible is much like a love story. It records our creation, our rebellion, our rescue and our restoration with God. Our father never full let us go. He had a rescue mission planed. We were designed to live in perfect union with him, through history God's plan is revealed by him. It is not guess work as some might think. God has always make his instruction clear to his people. The death of Christ his Son was the plan and his resurrection sealed the new convert God made with Mankind. The New Testament records the life of Jesus Christ fulfilled our restoration. Yes God commended mankind because of Adam rebellion, but he sent his only Son to restore the communion broken between us and God. You can read this love story for yourself here.
As a Christian I am continually reading the scriptures as they contain the principles by which I live. These are not the 'do's' and 'don'ts'. I can never live up to God's standard of prefect. There is nothing I can do to save myself. I am forgive, because Jesus conquered sin and dead. I am currently reading Luke's Gospel. The Apostle Luke was a respected Lawyer and Historian, who also wrote The Acts of the Apostles.
Luke's Gospel records the story of Jesus Christ in particular his mission and how his mission is accomplished through his dead and resurrection. If you turn over to The Book of Acts you can read about the new religious movement that Jesus started. By the end of the first century Jesus's followers become known as Christians and the gospel had spread the Europe and Asia. Luke takes more care than any other writer of his time to record the history of the birth of this new religion and the early church. Want to meet Jesus the historical figure then read Luke.