"12 Gifts of Christmas" or "12 Days of Christmas" between 13 th December and 25 th December 2011 over 1,000 people in 50 countries committed to perform daily acts of random kindness. An act of random kindness can be anything from sticking candy canes of post boxes or coins on bending machines so people can by a hot drink on a hot summers day; to leaving gift bags in the toy isle in Kmart, to paying for the persons coffee behind you.
Have you noticed in the season leading up to Christmas day . . . well things tend to get a little bit silly. So I signed up to discover the true meaning of Christmas in 2011! And I did it! You can read about my Spirit of Christmas Journey here. We all had such a adventure that we're lining up to do it all again this year.
But random acts of kindness don't need to wait until December, in 2012 lets take opportunities to Pay It Forward all year round!
January 21 2011 is National "HUGS" day in the U.S. Here at It Takes One: To change the world we're not satisfies with only one national "Hug Day!" So we've declared the whole month of February Share The Love Month. But we're so made about "HUG" we want to encourage you to give hugs to random people on January 21.

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Nick's Website |
Ok back to my mate Nick, Nick has an infectious love for life, people and hugs! Nick Vujicic currently holds the record for the most hugs given in 1 hour at 1,749 and in February we're hoping we can find somebody to break Nick's record. It's been attempted but no one I know of as yet has been able to break Nick's record so if you think you got what it takes we want to hear from you!
Any attempt at a world record doesn't just happen. For one thing we need to find you all those people to hug! We have declared February, SHARE THE MONTH, we would love it if someone would attempt this record or any other world record on February 14 Valentine's Day - which we are also marking as Bear Hug Day! On February 14 we want you to give lots & lots of hugs! I recently read this about "hugs!",
"A hug is one gift you can give another person, which no one minds if you return it, especially if you do it straight away!"
Ok so 1,749 people is a lot of people to find, so if there's another world record involving hugs you'd like to attempt. For event ideas see Record Setters The World Record Organizers need to be contacted We need to organize for the record attempt to be verify. Locate venues organise insurances and any emergency staff and services to be on stand-by and promote your even. So the sooner you contact us the sooner we can assist you. email for a registration form. Before completing the form we ask you research fully the requirements to attempt world records and have a full list of ALL logistics involved. We are only able to offer administration assistance, marketing and advertising. All hug day events must be registered and organisation well on the by Friday 3 February 2012.

The Share The Love Campaign
As well as our Bear Hug Day during the month of February we want to ask all our members to Share The Love and help share the message of It Takes one to change the world. The more individuals we have stepping up to the plate the more lives we can see changed! So this February we're asking you to Share The Love with us through random acts of kindness in the same way we did during the The 12 Days of Christmas Event. Only instead of asking people to Pay It Forward, we asking after you perform your random act of kindness, we're suggesting you ask them To Share The Love with others! We have a pdf of Share The Love logos you can print out to give to others.
If anyone has a photo of a hug, people hugging or a group hug we can use to make posters and flyer could they email The Director.
Anyone challenge we want to set for February is to gauge the power of social media such as Facebook, twitter and Blogger to spread a message that we believe has the potential to impact the whole world. On February 1 we will set up a Facebook page called Share The Love, we want to see how many likes we can get in 29 Days. Now its good to set goals, so lets aim to get 100,000 fans by Midnight on Feb 29. So for all of those who thought they we too busy for the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge all we need you to do is on the first day of February accept our invitation to become a fan and then invite all your facebook friends, groups and pages to become fans. Then we'll see if the power of social media to spread the word.
One message we like to reinforce is while we need to create some larger events for exposure and to gain momentum its, we believe its the simple everyday acts of love and acts of kindness than have the most potential to promote world change.

The Share The Love Campaign
As well as our Bear Hug Day during the month of February we want to ask all our members to Share The Love and help share the message of It Takes one to change the world. The more individuals we have stepping up to the plate the more lives we can see changed! So this February we're asking you to Share The Love with us through random acts of kindness in the same way we did during the The 12 Days of Christmas Event. Only instead of asking people to Pay It Forward, we asking after you perform your random act of kindness, we're suggesting you ask them To Share The Love with others! We have a pdf of Share The Love logos you can print out to give to others.
If anyone has a photo of a hug, people hugging or a group hug we can use to make posters and flyer could they email The Director.
Anyone challenge we want to set for February is to gauge the power of social media such as Facebook, twitter and Blogger to spread a message that we believe has the potential to impact the whole world. On February 1 we will set up a Facebook page called Share The Love, we want to see how many likes we can get in 29 Days. Now its good to set goals, so lets aim to get 100,000 fans by Midnight on Feb 29. So for all of those who thought they we too busy for the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge all we need you to do is on the first day of February accept our invitation to become a fan and then invite all your facebook friends, groups and pages to become fans. Then we'll see if the power of social media to spread the word.
One message we like to reinforce is while we need to create some larger events for exposure and to gain momentum its, we believe its the simple everyday acts of love and acts of kindness than have the most potential to promote world change.
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Good Deeds Day March 25th 2012 |
So I guess you're wondering what Good Deeds Day is? Was started in 2007 by Shari Arison. Since then tens of thousands of people have come together to a a "good -deed" on that day, Its a really simple idea, but they're often the most effective."
It can be be big or small as long as it helps someone in your community. The viedo will tell you a bit more . . .
"Each year this project enables tens of thousands of people in Israel and through out the world to experience the pleasure of doing something good for someone else to discover in many cases, its very easy to give. That's because in many places where a smile and listening ear can bring about a change in someone's situation. In many cases the volunteer choose to go on volunteering after Good Deeds Day and succeed in bring more happiness to even more people and to themselves as well." Shari Arison
Here a few suggestions to get you thinking, integrate people with special needs into the community; pack food or care packs for homeless people, a community picnic. organised community activity with different cultural groups a second market day for the needy, lots of people in my city of Ipswich are still rebuilding their homes after the floods last year. I sure the would welcome a crew of people to do some odd jobs! What do you say is their someone out there we can find to help out for a few hours on March 25, 2012?
If your interested in getting involved, organizing an event in your city or want to make a suggestion then email Debbie or even nominate someone you known who needs a help hand let us know and we'll see what we can do. We'll update you closer to the time on the details meanwhile check out The activities suggestion book ,
Where will you be on March 28 2012 at 4pm?
Share The Book Launch
Now a group of us are thinking not all of us can jump on a plan and be in Trafalar Square London on March 28. So we are currently discussing organising local flash mobs to meet where ever they are in that moment in time.
Now if your wondering what a Flash Mob is the are large groups of people that spontaneous meet in a place at a give point of time for a specific reason or cause. And on March 28 the is to Tell the world about THE BOOK we believe has the power to transform the world. As such the is n marketing or advertising involve. We are simply asking you to spread the word through your social media contacts. Twitter, Facebook, Goggle + , Utube and all your email contacts of course.
All the logistic of this even can be found at Flash Mob Share The Book now its your turn if your interested in getting involved, organizing an event in your city, within Australia email Debbie. One we have all the meeting places, a coordinator for each location and a time. We will set up an events page and invite you and then it will be up to you guys!
For Ipswich, Queensland, Australia Ipswich Queensland Australia - in Queen's Park, opposite the Cafe, visit our Event Page to register (Please let us know what location you'll be at) or email Debbie. We are urgently seeking meeting locations.
Invisible Children's Cover The Night Red on April 20 th 2012 in a town near you. This is a campaign called KONY 2012 to put pressure on the US government to keep the US troops on the ground in Uganda and Sudan to aid in the capture of Joseph Kony, who is want by the International Crimes Court on 33 charges of crimes against humanity. For more information visit the KONY 2012 website. The group is asking for people to buy supports kits. However, all the resources you need can be download for free. Please note: Questions have be raised of the groups finances, how the money they fund raise is spent and it there methods are helpful or harmful to the people of Africa. Before you send any money we suggest you review the financial statements and programmes which can all be found on their website. We as a team do not support this event. However their are some individual members who are taken part. As the poster suggests the are cities in Australia being held and if you need assistances you can email us @ This event is not listed on our Facebook page.
Pay It Forward Day is the last Thursday in April each year. So this year we will celebrate Pay It Forward Day on the 28 nd April 2012, In 2011 participants pay it forward in 35 Countries with 7 states & 15 cities proclamations. For this year's PITD we're aiming to inspire over 3 million acts of kindness around the world. Imagine the difference that would make!
Some suggested ways to PIF are pay for someone's cup of coffee; get the next person's food, toll or petrol; help someone in need or put a gift card in someone letter box. See Pay It Forward Day for more ideas.

Generation G Australia On 28 April - Over a million Gen G's that's (Generation Generous) will be performing Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) for International Pay It Forward Day! A community movement which began in Australian and has spread 30 countries world wide.
Close to the date will have more information and I will work on some PFD resources, especially Gen G cards but you can email Debbie you information and assistance in the meantime.
If you have take part in any of these events or like to share an event with us, then email us your stores and we'll put that on our Share Your Story Page