Joseph Kony - As we have seen some people make the history pages for all the wrong reason. Joseph Kony is current wanted by the International Crimes Court on 33 charges. He was last seen in Uganda however has evaded authorities and peace treatities for over three decades.

Kony is famous for kidnapping children at gun point and training them to become child soldiers, often their first task is to murder their own parents. While the boys are trained to join Kony's arms girls are taken as sex slaves. Children are marched barefoot through the jungle carrying heavy packs on their backs. The girls (who sometimes travel with Kony' 'child army' are offered as sex slaves to the boys are reward for outstanding service. It is estimated that Joseph Kony has taken as many as 30,000 children.
But this story isn't a lesson in evil nor a warning to look for evil men to bring to justice. This is a story of a group of American young people who call themselves The Invisible Children one of there many aims is to make Joseph Kony famous and his child soldiers visible. Until recently no body knew who he was, and there were no active plans to help bring Kony to justice. Until this group made it there mission to make there cause known through a U Tube film. There clip had over 15 million hits in the first 24 hours. We saw for the first time how quickly a movement of people could be mobilzed and funds could be raised if the marketing was powerful enough.
We believe the KONY 2012 campaign has much to teach us about world change, marketing and social media. But not every thing we are seeing about this movement is positive. There are several things we do not like about the video. Mostly were want to be on the record for saying, The groups central message over simplifies a very complex problem. We do not approve of the way the children are used in the making of this film nor the suggestions that the answers are child's play - that even a child knows the right answer. We continue to support dialogue and any legal and ethical means to bring Joseph Kony to justice but not the U Tube video. We urge you to consider all that facts before deciding your own response but acknowledge any response is better than no response at all.
Traditionally books recorded the pages of history. In the past when we wanted information, facts, figures, dates and inspiration were turned to books. Just as recent days have shown us the power of social networking, so we turn to the Internet and our mobile devices for information and news of the days events.
Technology has revolutionist the way we access history and information. A critical thinker in this transition was Steve Jobs the cofounder of Apple. As we learn from the pages of history of what worked and doesn't work in bring about world change we would be admits to not explore the roll of technology and the potental it has to impact history for good or evil.
So Steve Jobs played a pitiable roll in the introduction of the PC computer. No one denies the personal computer has revolutionized our lives. We now live in a global world, creating global communities and global economies. Yet the IT world is constantly growing and involving. You may not even be accessing our blog on a PC mostly likely your using a moblie device while your doing some other type of activity. So aren't go glad Steve Jobs co-founded Apple?
Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011 |
In 1974 Steve Jobs started work for a company called Atari as a video game programmer. Until 1976 he and Steve Wozniak started a little company called Apple with the release of Apple I, Convinced that user-friendly personalized computers were the way of the future. The small company which they started in their back shred, quickly grew and revolutionized the computer industry.
There first model was follow by Apple II, the Macintosh and Power Mac series. Steve left Apple in 1986, but rejoined the company as CEO. The company first traded on the sock market for 1.2 billion.
When Steve Jobs left Apple he started a computer hardware and software company NeXT the in 1988 and release the first NeXT computer that year. However, the had a very limited market selling only about 50,000 units in total. Apple brought the NeXT for $439 million and 1.5 million shares of Apple stock in 1996 and Steve Jobs became the CEO. The Next technology became the foundation of the Mac OS X,
This was the essentials concept in the development of the personal computer including the platform for Tim Berners-Leeas as he developed the World Wide Web.
In 2001 the first Ipod went on sale with Apple launching its Itunes site in 2003. The first Iphone was sold in 2007 and the Ipad in 2010.
In 2003 Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but continues to have a key role in developments at Apple. His illness was later revealed in 2004. Steve resigned as CEO in August and loss his battle with cancer in October last year.
However great thinkers and writers of the past continue to shape history, the way we view it and interrupt the events around us.
However great thinkers and writers of the past continue to shape history, the way we view it and interrupt the events around us.
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Ted Seuss Dr. Seuss |
Born Theodor Seuss Gesiel in 1904, he accredits his love of rhyme the features so predominately in his children's classics to his mother. His Father on the other hand wanted Tad to pursue an academic career so he studied English Literature at Lincoin College, Oxford with the intention of earning his Doctorate. (Wikipedia) During his studies he wrote for several college magazines, including the college humour magazine. He was caught by the Dean of Residential College drinking and instructed to give up all of his extra activities to focus on his studies which included the magazines. However, he continued and begun signing his name as Dr Seuss to escape the attention of the dean. However, it was during this time his meet his first wife, married and returned to the United States without his degree.
He began his submitting illustrations and humorous articles to magazine such as Life, Vanity Fare, and Liberty. It was while Ted was contributing to these magazines that he was offered a contract to illustrate Children's books by Viking Press.
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Cat In A Hat |
His first book Boners, was not a great success but he received great reviews for his illustrations. Seuss submitted several other manuscripts, but was rejected 27 times, before his book Cat In A Hat had success and in many ways defined his career. In 1927 he submitted his first cartoon to the Saturday Evening Post, under the name Seuss! At the being of World War I and thought the period of The Great Depression he support his family by drawing advertising for companies such as General Electrics, NBC, Standard Oils, Narragansett Brewing Company. In 1935 Seuss wrote a comic strip called Hejji.
As World War II approached, Ted's approach to his work change and he began drawing political cartoons for PM magazine. He was at this stage to old to be drafted into the US Army and served the Army Core by making training films. After the war he returned to writing his Children's books.
These books included: It Rained In the Zoo (1950), Horton Hears A Who (1955). If I Ran a Circus (1956) Cat In A Hat and also How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1957). His well know book Green Eggs and Ham was publisher in 1960.
At the time of his death in 1991 Theodor Seuss Geisel had written 44 Children's Books, which have been translated into 15 languages with over Two Million copies finding the way in to the hearts and homes of Children and adults world wide. (The Cat In The Hat Organization)
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Olympe De Gouges 1748 to 1793 |
Born Marie Gouze, the French playwright was most definitely a women before her time. Her writings reached a wide audience and she was known as an political activist, feminist and abolitionist,
Marie once wrote " I was married a man I did not love and who was neither rich nor well-born. I was sacrificed for no reason that could make up for the repugnance I felt for this man." in her semi-autobiographical novel Memorie de Madame de Valmont contre la famille de Flaucourt
Gouhes most well known work is "The Rights of Women. In which she claimed women were the equal of men in all aspects of public and private life. To her these rights should include the right to vote, hold public office, employment, public speaking engagement, obtain "Public Hounors" property ownership, military participation, education in marriage and even in the Church. See The Rights of Women, 1791 to read the comprehensive list of Gouhes feminist views. Such ideas were ridicule highly at the time. However, she was otherwise not successful as an author due to her poor education in particular poor spelling and grammar, yet manage to produce several plays.
Olympe Gouhes hopes for the embracing the equality of men and women were raised when the French Revolution broke out, but she soon learn that equal rights would not be extended to women. She became more involve and vocal where even she saw injustice been done, regesiting her protest test through he writings. Her final pieces that lead to her arrest were The Three Urns, or the Salvation of the Country, and By An Aerial Traveler which were pro the new French government. Even so she tired to mount her defence using her early writings to demonstrate she was in support of the revolution, however it became quite evident that her ideas went far beyond what the ruling party had in mind. on November 2 1793 Gouges was sentences to death for trying to reinstate the monarchy.
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Harriet Tubman 1820 - 1913 Also known as Mosses |
Harriet represent what it means to be American. Holding on dearly to the struggle for freedom, equality, justice and self-determination. (Bound for the promised land)
In 1820 Harriet was born into slavery and begun working in the fields at the age of 12 and was soon being hired out to work various plantations. As a teenager she was struck in the head by a iron weight nearly killing here, she survived by suffered from the debilating effects of eplipesy for the rest of her life.
In ... she escaped from slavery in the South and between 1847 and 1849 she hirer herself out as a free slave.