History Makers Part I
Adolf Hitler, Starlin, Sadium Husdam, Mother Teasera, Julia Cesera, Alexsander The Great, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martian Luther King, Buddha, and Jesus Christ are all well know names of people who sort to change the world or the world view of others in some way. Each of these individuals I believe had a firm picture of what an ideal world would look like and "a action plan". Most of us hold a idealistic picture of what we believe the world should look like, but few of us express it, and only a few individuals in history have been brave enough to develop an action plan and begin to put it into action in such a way then have become historical figures who either for good or evil helped shape the world with live in today.
I would argue that each of these individuals did the change the world in someway, thankfully not all succeed in their mission . So why are we looking at individuals, leaders, thinkers and religious movements of the past. Firstly they have helped shaped the world, its religious, economical and political composition will live in today. Hopefully some of us have the intelligence to learn from the past; and challenge political regimes that are corrupt and exploited the people under their rule,
World Change and improvements need to occur on so many different layers. The are traditional barriers, educational barriers, cultural barriers, gender barriers, social class barriers, geographical barriers, industrial barriers, legal barriers, religious barriers, language barriers, finical barriers, trade barriers, territorial barriers, physical health barriers but most all political barriers. In order to address real world change we need to study the complexites of all means to be human, and part of that is founded in the past.
For to long we have sort to address needs and crisis such as famine on a economical level. But the magatidue and stermentic problems are far greater. History tells us short term aid can often cause more turmoil; cultural and religious tensions along with political ideologicies can leave nations scared for years, long after the peace keepers have left. I believe a large part of that is due to not respecting the traditional, cultural and religious values and needs of those most indeed of our help. Money does not but infer-structure, technology, skills or education. Surely the world has seen enough humanitarian crisis, to study its mistakes.
Money can not subituite knowledge, local knowledge, skills, training and analytical ability to bring about lasting change. This why we need to humble ourselves to look to others for knowledge and skills we do not process. The moment we become relent on one set of values is the moment we set ourselves up for failure.
World Change and improvements need to occur on so many different layers. The are traditional barriers, educational barriers, cultural barriers, gender barriers, social class barriers, geographical barriers, industrial barriers, legal barriers, religious barriers, language barriers, finical barriers, trade barriers, territorial barriers, physical health barriers but most all political barriers. In order to address real world change we need to study the complexites of all means to be human, and part of that is founded in the past.
For to long we have sort to address needs and crisis such as famine on a economical level. But the magatidue and stermentic problems are far greater. History tells us short term aid can often cause more turmoil; cultural and religious tensions along with political ideologicies can leave nations scared for years, long after the peace keepers have left. I believe a large part of that is due to not respecting the traditional, cultural and religious values and needs of those most indeed of our help. Money does not but infer-structure, technology, skills or education. Surely the world has seen enough humanitarian crisis, to study its mistakes.
Money can not subituite knowledge, local knowledge, skills, training and analytical ability to bring about lasting change. This why we need to humble ourselves to look to others for knowledge and skills we do not process. The moment we become relent on one set of values is the moment we set ourselves up for failure.
The Great Thinkers . . .
Other names come to my mind in terms of individuals that have helped shape the modern era we live in, Alexandra Graham Bell, Tomphas Eddision, Albert Einstein, Benajamn Frankland, The Wright Bothers, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford and Bill Gates. Is it possible to sit and imagine a modern world without the influences of these great minds. I too world argue that these people helped changed the world in their own way.
. . . For evil . . .
One man who had an incredible impact on history in his attempt to create a "Pure Human Race" is Adlof Hitler. Hitler was the last leader of the Nazi Party (National Society of German Workers).
Did Hitler set out to be evil? Certainly not, like all ideologist, his political viewpoints had some 'merit'. As an early movement the party focus was anti-capitalist in it rhetoric, but slowly change to anit-Semitic and Anti-Marxost's ideals.Early Nazi Party Ideals and anit-communist (Frank Mc Donough, Hitler and the rise of the Nazi Party (2003),)
Eventually, Hitler's foundation ideaologicaly centred on the establishment of the "Aryan Race", He concluded that not all "races" were equal and in essence there was an unchangeable natural order, which engrimiation and thus intermarriage brought about. True Biography. While Jews were primarily the targets, other groups considered 'racial inferior' were Roma (gypsies), people with disabilities and a number of Slavic groups including Poles and Russians. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum In the later part of his rise to power he particularly became anti-Jewish which gave rise to World War II and the Holocaust. In which was estimated 6 million Jews and 'other ethnic groups' were murdered.
Hitler's rise to power and formation of the National Society of German Worker's part or the Nazi Party as they became known was founded on noble principles as the sort for the rights of the German people and in essence an attempt to offer another resistance to capitalism by offering another alternative to communism which already had strong holds in the former Soviet Block Countries. What went wrong is the humane need for power and acculmation wealth are not selective to the capitalist principles.
Hitler and his party fell into the trap of believing they belong to a superior race, like the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans before them.
. . . For Good . . .
Mother Teresa
The are others in the world like Mother Teresa that have influence the world and started to promote world change by the virtues they lived. The did not start a political party, idealology or a religious movement. The simply seek to treat others as they themselves would expected to be treated.
Humanitarianism is an act of kindness, benevolence or meeting someone at their point of need; that is extended universally to all humans regardless of their race, gene, age, religion, sexual preferences or nationality. (Wikipedia)
Although Mother Teresa founded a religious order called the Missionaries Of Charity, under the auphises of the Roman Catholic Church she did not like someone like Buddha or Jesus Christ start a new world religion. Of course as a devoted follower of Jesus the values of her "Christian Faith" underpin her life and work ethic. (Nobel Prize Winner Mother Teresa). Mother Teresa is perhaps most widely known for her work on the streets of Calcutta in India believe God had called her to minister to the poorest of poor. Her work begin buy teaching children is the slums, a role she was well suited having come from a disadvantaged background and being a trained teacher. However, at the heart of the Missionaries of Charity call was meeting the most basic of human needs food, clothing, shelter and medical assistance.
She described herself as, "God's pencil - a tin bit of pencil which he writes with what he likes." (American Catholic) Mother Teresa gave herself to the task of keeping individuals alive rather than tackling the problem of poverty itself. (See Wikipedia)
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Was an pre-eminent political figure involve in the civil rights movement in both his native home land of India and South Africa. He later was appointed to a leadership position in the Indian National Congress. Gandhi was known for his campaigns to ease poverty, gain equal rights for women, building religious and ethnic amity, ending the untouchable cast system, increasing economic self-reliance and thus ending foreign dominance in India and thus gain India's Independence. (Wikipedia)
Gandhi was born in to a noble or upper cast in the Indian cast system with the "untouchables" also known as the serfs in South Africa, being at the bottom of this cast system and having almost no humanian rights in society at all. He for himself disturbed by the cast system in India and sort to dismantle its influence on society.
His personal philosophy was sort from a position of non-violence, choosing to live modesty and dress in traditional Indian dhoti. Wikipedia Although not a Christian it was Christ's Sermon on the Mount that began to shape Gandhi's philosophy. "Whosoever shall smite the on thy right cheek turn to him the other also. And if any man takes away thy coat let him have thy cloak too." (The Progress Report) Gandhi's however found himself at odds with many other bible texts. His personal philosophies were drawn from a number of world religions, in addition to Christianity, including Muslim and Jewish.
"I can't hope to bring about economic equality . . . I have to reduce myself to the level of the poorest of the poor." (South Africa Venues)
Martin Luther King
King was America's Gandhi, what Gandhi achieved in South Africa and then his homeland of India through non-violence protest, inspired Martin Luther King to coordinate the civil rights movement in America. Luther King was so inspired by Gandhi's non-violent approach for achieving equal rights that he travelled to India to learn more about his philosophy and non-violence movement.
Buddha is the "Enlighten One" or "Awaken". (The Buddhist Centre) Through out the history of Buddhism there has been a seccession of Buddha's. The historical figure widely referred to as Buddha was a man named Siddhartha Gotama born in India 2500 years ago, before the birth of Christ.
Siddhartha Gotama belonged to a noble family but as a young man was confronted by human suffering and death. (Who was Buddha?) This confrontation challenged Siddhartha to question the issues of pain, suffering and death and there meaning at the age of 29 Gotama sought to set about answering these question.
At that time there were several 'Gurus' or 'religious teachers' in India that influence him (Wikipedia) and he eventual join this 'band of wandering religious teachers' (Who was Buddha?). After years of meditation and self-tortor Siddhartha found himself no closer to the truth. . . So he went and sat under a tree and meditated day and night until he realised life was about finding 'balance'.
Jesus Christ of Nathizeths . . ."It has taken many individuals to shape history, but only one man has defined history."
Jesus Christ
As historical figures goes Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the defining man. The fact that His birth divides the ancient and modern world, time is measured by his birth alone. Despite what you personally believe about Jesus and the Christian faith we can not deny the impact that His life has had on history.(Wikipedia) Historians generally agree Jesus was a Galilean Jewish Rabbi, who was a highly regarded teacher and healer, baptised by John the Baptist and then crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of Pontius Pilate on the charge of sedition against the Roman Empire.
Although some still would argue that Jesus was a mythical figure on which the Christian religion was founded there are verifiable fact that Jesus Christ was a real person. In addition to the gospel texts recorded by his followers after his death in 33 AD. Most notably his baptism and his death are recorded in other historical documents. (Wikipedia)
One such verification comes from the criterion of embarrassment or dissimilarity. This is the critical analysisation of historical data which are presumed to be true because the author would have not reason to state facts about themselves unless it was true, otherwise embarrassing themselves by making the claim, such as Christ's execution (Wikipedia)
Citations by other historical authors include: Jesus being refer to as a wise man or teacher refer to as Christ or the Messiah, by many followers and a band of disciples (by Josephus); Recordings of healing people who were blind and lame in Bethsaida and Bethany (Julian the Apostate) A practised sorcer and condemned to death under Pontius Pilate (Talcitus); Died on the eve of Passover (The Talmud); which was followed by three hours of unexplained darkness (Thallus); and His disciples took to the practise of meeting weekly after his death and they worship Jesus as god (Pliny), Thus, giving historical creditability to the bible. See Wikipedia for a full list of historical citations.
We also know at the time it is claimed that Jesus Christ was executed, crucifixion was popular although differences in methodology of the crucifixion were claimed by Jesus's followers.
Religious movement
While alive Jesus Christ claim to be God. On many occasions the Jewish Religious leaders accused him of blasphemy. Jesus' constant clash with Jewish leaders increasingly became more political, until the religious majority demanded his execution, despite athorities in finding no reason to convict him.
After his death Jesus follower claimed he rose from the dead giving several eye wittiness accounts. It is interest to note after his death his following grew larger. If the Jewish leaders hope to put a stop to the claims Jesus made about himself being the Son of God by killing him the failed. His following continued to increased and while initially his followers were believed to belong to a Jewish sect by the second century Christianity had become a religion in its own right.
In esscense Jesus was God incarnated, Jesus himself made it clear the he claimed to be God in the form of man. Thus, as the Messiah he had the power to forgive sins "whoever belivith in me . . . " Christians believe that Jesus mission on earth was to prove he was God and through his death and resurrection become the scarfical lamb. As Saviour of the world he forgave the sins of his people there by entiling them to a life in heaven .
Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 and despite her parents disapproval trained as a nurse and never married, as she feared marriage would enslave her. During the Crinea war theBritish Army suffered many causalities and due to lack of basic first aid many solders were dying needless, this made the British government at home very unpopular back home.
When the government had extreme difficulties finding suitable personal, Florence was asked to select and train nurse asked to serve on the frontline.
Florence was only to glad to held out but is said to have gad this to say. " There were insufficient beds for the men abd the conditions were terrible; the place smelt; was dirty; and even had rats running round spreading disease."
She was accredited with improving hospital standards and treatments.

The current Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and us well known for his advocacy on behalf of Tibetans and there welfare even outside Tibetans, especial is the evolving political nation of China. He is a charismatic speaker who is well respected world wide for his stance on the importance of compassion as the source of happiness in life. Which is similar to Christ's Sermon on the Mount. He has spoken on such topics as abortion, economics, firearms and sexuality.