My theory is one person can be a catalysis for real change. I invite readers to join me to be a positive change in the world. . . One by One
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Our director has been ill. We welcome other member to make post contributions at this time. Via our contact details page. Book reviews, events, photos, quotes, stories and pif encouragements are all welcome. Rumor has it she has some great ways Pay It Forward while in hospital, but has been giving the nurse a hard time. Debbie continues to display a positive attitude during this difficult time. Unforgettably we don't know her recovery time and is unavailable until doctors clearance is given. Meanwhile she is resting at home.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
The need to disarm the LRA continues
I may not support the Invisible Children nor its current campaigns but we still need to apply pressure on world leaders and UN peacekeeping forces to capture Joseph Kony. Thanks to the work of the Invisible Children Organization, ordinary citizens around the world, know more about Joseph Kony and the terrible crimes the LRA have committed and will continue to commit if the International Community do not continue to apply pressure.
We know that this takes more than a few stop KONY 2012 posters that will cover the walls tonight and leave a huge clean-up bill in the morning. Stopping and disarming Kony and the LRA requires an intelligent and stragic approach to addressing the many issues facing the people of Central Africa. To let the world fall silent on this issue again is criminal.
There are many organization on the ground besides The Invisible Children. Such as Conscious (DRC); Orphan Assistance Union of Zemio (UAOZ); ; Orphan Assistance Union of Zemio / UAOZ (CAR); Women's movement for peace; and Action to Identify and develop Reconstruction Effort/ AIDER to name just a few. A list of agenices and straggeries we can all support can be found here.
This current war is more than 'child's play' but if as individuals we stand up to the plat and combine our collective intelligences, put pressure on world leaders surely the LRA and their supporters can be disarmed. It's time we listen to the children of Central Africa and heard there voices.
Invisible Children; Be a World changer,
Behind every good book there's a flood of knowledge
Have you read a book full of wisdom and knowledge lately?
Or may be just a great book that helped you escape from
the reality of the pressures of life for a few hours.
If you could recommend a book to someone else what would it be?
How do you chose which book to read next?
We can explore all these things at our
Read & Swap
You are invited to gather your Favorited books
and bring them along to our Read & Swap
On Thursday 26th April 2012
We're meeting outside
the Riverlink Coffee Club @ 6pm
Some of us are having a cuppa & a bit to eat
while we share the books we love to read.
You may like to swap a book with someone
and try reading something you wouldn't normally read!
As a Pay It Forward Gesture
you may like to give someone a book.
This is our official Pay It Forward Day Event
In memory of Vance Hyde
Phone Debbie on 0412 401 788 for more information
Monday, April 16, 2012
You all want your kids to grow up in a better World - PIF
"We all know we can do more. Live simply so more can simply live!"
Friday, April 13, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Flyers now available!
Flyers for our
Ipswich Pay It Forward Day Event
Read & Swap
are now available from Debbie
or telephone on 0421 401 788
Monday, April 9, 2012
Read and Swap
Vance Hyde Pay It Forward Day 2012
April 26 th @ 6pm
Riverlink Shopping Centre
North Ipswich
For info phone 0421 401 788
"Vance Hyde 1922 – 2012 was the mother of Catherine Ryan Hyde. Catherine wrote the Bestseller “Pay It Forward”. On the 26th April Vance would have celebrated her 90th Birthday, which is also international PAY IT FORWARD DAY! To honour her memory this year we have renamed April 26 VANCE HYDE PAY IT FORWARD DAY. Pay It Forward is simply giving random acts of kindness such as carrying someone’s shopping to the car or buying a stranger a cup of coffee. As members of the Pay It Forward Experience we believe small random acts of kindness everyday can help transform the world. This year when we pay it forward we are doing it in Vance Hyde’s memory."
We invite you to come have a bite to eat or a coffee while we catch about the books we love and share them with others too. As a means of Pay It Forward bring a book you'd like to swap with someone or give to a shopper that you loved reading and you could read it again & again.
Kids of all ages welcome
0 years - 100 years plus!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Pay it forward in memory of Vance Hyde
April 26 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012
Event Update - Media Coverage - IPSWICH
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Book Review
Hunger games by Suzanne Collins, Is the first book in the tioliogy of the Huger Games Series I am finding it an absolute page turner constantly entering my train of thought, not since I read the Power of One by Bryce Country has the injustice society can inflict on others that make up our humanity, gotten under my skin. Although set in a fictitious country, the brutality we can inflict on those who we rule over is amazing conflicting, the we in a matter of weeks can be reduce to living like animals when forced to fight for our survival. If you thought Lord of the flyers was an incitement of the human spirit - Hunger Games will set your spirit of fire as to rages agianist what we can be reduced to.
Each year a lottery is held to selected two constants to compete to a survival game in which only one will win and survive. The story is told by 16 year old Katniss. Who volunteers to take part in the Hunger Games for District 12. After her younger sister's name was drawn in the lottery the year she turned 12, the first year a person becomes eligible to compete. It is rare for someone to volunteer from district and only twice has district 12 won the games. There lives are now dependant on former winner and district drunk as he mentors Katniss and Peetz to compete. No one expects much from a competitor form district 12, until Katniss steps into the arena and casts her spell. . .
Monday, April 2, 2012
Our Next Event
Vance Hyde Pay It Forward Day
26th April 2012
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Vance and her daughter Catherine "Much loved members of the Pay It Forward community" |
On the 26th April Vance Hyde would of celebrated her 90th Birthday. Vance was the mother of Catherine Ryan Hyde the author of Pay It Forward the book. Catherine was the first person to be inducted into the Pay It Forward Hall of fame in 2011. Vance passed away a few weeks ago. We in the movement have renamed Pay It Forward Day in her honour. This year on April 26, when you Pay it Forward we are asking you do it in Vance's memory.
We have special cards for pdf down load coming in time for your Vance Hyde Pay It Forward event. But the regular Pay It Forward Day cards are downloadable from our resource page.
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Click to download More info on the events taking place that day to come. |
Sunday, April 1, 2012
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Hungary |
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London |
The Day we Shared the Book
That meant something to us!
On March 28th 2012 people around the globe gathered in 60 different locations at 4pm local time. Each with one single purpose to share a book which inspired them or some how touched their lives. In the hope that they would give someone they have never meet to have the opportunity to do the same. As means of paying it forward into somebody's life. This event was in initial only planed to take place in London's Trafalgar square as a presequal to another event. Until someone decided to be bold enough to see if they could make it global and sop the flagged the idea in a global facebook community called Pay It Forward and people around the world put up their hand to coordinated an flash mob locally in their town or city. In Brisbane, in Auckland, in Bristol, in Africa, in Hungary, in Chicago and me in Ipswich. As a result thousands of books around the world were shared and Pay It Forward bracelets too! , In public places, parks, libraries, schools and coffee shops people sat and read the books that meant something to them and helped shaped their lives in some way and then something happen. People began to stand and walk towards others and they began to exchange books and then there was no one, within 3 minutes people had gathered, read books, chatted, swapped books and then gone about there daily lives as if nothing had happened at all . . . but something had happened, something had changed and it had happened around the world. Thousands of people had shared, thousands of books! We had achieved our mission.
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London |
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Union Station Tarntro |
Ipswich |
Monday, March 26, 2012
Can you believe It's Happening Tomorrow?
Well can you believe our Share The Book is finally here! Tomorrow March
28 2012 @ 4pm. And bring a book to share that has influence you life to
share. Download the flyer (Although you coordinator will have spare's!)
and place it inside the book you're be sharing with some one you're never
meet . . . this is your change to influence the world . . . See you there!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Come Share The Book!
Hey There!
I'm wondering what is the best book you've read. What book has inspired you to change you're life or do something extraordinary? Well if you love books, why don't you come join us on March 28 @ 4pm and share the books you have loved. This is an event the world has never seen before, in 6o locations around the world at 4pm local time people are gathering to Share The Book with people they have never meet and we want you to come be involved.
All you need to bring is a copy of the book you think could inspire some else to go something great in their lives. If you loved the book chances are the person you give the book too will love it too! I am wondering what sorts of books people will be parting with on Wednesday 28th March. If you're thinking of stroll along download the flyer and pop it inside the book. The flyer explains a bit about the event and the Pay It Forward Experience and why the person is receiving this unexpected gift.
I'll be meeting up with you guys in Ipswich at our local Cafe for coffee! |
As members of the Pay It Forward Movement we believe that a little kindness in somebody's life each day can help transform people's lives. Instead of waiting for that person to repay us as individuals we as them to pay it forward. I don't know if you've every read the book or see the movie, but I had the chance to steal some time last week to read the book, and be inspired all over again. If you read the book you'll know just how unpredictable who and how thing will be pay forward.
On March 28 we won't be making a big announcement about the fact were sharing books, rather we're hoping to catch people off guard and before they know it this unexpected event is unfolding before their eyes and you walk up and hand them your book and ask them to pay it forward someday, only to disappear back into the crowd with out a trace. Never knowing the influence you will have on some else's life. If you'd think you'd like to be involved then check out our events facebook page . We hope to see you there.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Something to hang on your door
Did you know?
That March 22
Access to clean water and yet millions of people drink contaminated water every day. One might suspect this is due to environmental factors such as drought or poor infer-structure in the third world, but this is only half the story. We do have the ability to help develop clean water solutions in the most basic living conditions around the world. Be also can bottle water for cooking and drinking, and supply equipment to clean contained water.

Denying people safe access to even poor water quality water is a means of the warlords can bring suppression and oppression to the people. It is also well document even in countries that are suppose to be democraticly run voting is often rigged and rebel armies deny access to polling booths. The greed of a few denies access to water for the masses.Poverty in general is difficult to address because of corruption on a global scale. This week Sevenly Tees pictured above is addressing the water needs of one village. Their are other links to charities working toward clean water supply through out the world in our links section. Please help access to clean water in anyway you can this week,.
Vance Hyde 1922 - 2012 History Maker
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hyde family today. As Vance, Catherine Ryan Hyde's mother passed away today. As members of the PIF group we all feel a sense of lost to our Pay It Forward online community.
Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of Pay It Forward the book. Catherine was the first person inducted into the Pay It Forward Hall of Fame earlier this year for her contribution to the movement. Catherine never dreamed that her book would inspire a movement, simply by asking other people to pay forward acts of kindness. I confess to only reading Catherine's book last week. It was one of those books that leaves you inspired to leave the world behind a better place than when you arrived. And we can certainly say that Vance Hyde has done that.
As a fellow writing a sat in awe as the book Pay It Forward took me on the most unexpected journey, as though to plead with the reader to never lose hope in the compassion of other human beings.
April 26 2012 would of being Vance's 90th Birthday, so it seems so fitting the PIF community has renamed Pay It Forward Day 2012 - Vance's Pay It Forward Day.
On April 26 we are inviting you to Pay It Forward to someone in honour of Vance's memory.
New Pay It Forward Day memorial cards will be designed and Posted to our downloads page in time to use on the 26 April. Please be remember Catherine and her family in your thoughts prayers at this time.
History Makers,
Vance's Pay It Forward Day 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
On top of the reading this week is
You truly can read anywhere. . . .
Pay It Forward Bracelets making there way around the world.
Monday, March 19, 2012
A Girl who doesn't shy away from a challenge
Jessica Watson History Marker at 16
Jessica was the 2011 Young Australian of The Year and received an Order of Australia Medal in 2012. Despite much criticism in 2010 she set her sights on sailing solo around the world, inspired by her hero Kay Cottie, the first women to sail solo around the world. However, everyone welcomed her home and her boat Pink Lady on May 15, 2010. Jessica's Motto is
"Always make the most of everything. Be positive, and ask questions, lots of questions."
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Jessica's Website |
Jessica Watson (AOM)
For now Jessica has hung up her life-jacket and putting on her dancing shoes, for the next Australia Series of Dancing with the Stars.She is also a young ambassador for the World Food Program . Jessica insisted on a hands on approach to her support of WFP and recently visited Laos to find out first hand the work they are doing.
History Marker
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Harriet Tubman 1820 - 1913 Also known as Mosses |
Harriet represented what it means to be American. Holding on dearly to the struggle for freedom, equality, justice and self-determination. (Bound for the promised land)
In 1820 Harriet was born into slavery and begun working in the fields at the age of 12 and was soon being hired out to work various plantations. As a teenager she was struck in the head by a iron weight nearly killing her, she survived but suffered from the debilitating effects of eplipesy for the rest of her life.
In ... she escaped from slavery in the South and between 1847 and 1849 she hired herself out as a free slave.
Don't keep all the good books to yourself
Come share them with us
That changed our lives with the world
On March 28 @ 4PM
For a location near you
Bring a copy of the book
that has change your life with you
Once you have registered
at a location near you
your area coordinator
will be in touch.
Come be part of something
the world has never
seen before and Pay It Forward
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Come Share the books with us . . .
Come be part of something Big!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Help Stop Bullying
It seems that anyone who is in someway different can be bullied. Today is International Day Against Bullying! Recently in the States a high school boy was bullied simply for wearing a PINK Shirt to school. To support this boy and to stand up to this Bully, the students decided they all wear pink shirts to school. So the bullies be the ones that stand out. The teachers decided they would support the students, by this is very much a movement driven by students. When other school heard the students decided they wear pink shirts to school today to. Proving that it only takes one person to create change, regardless of their age.
The truth is bulling isn't about the person whose being bullied, but the bully trying to make themselves feel better about themselves. The fact that the students chose a guy in a pink shirt that day proves that. You can be too short, too tall, too fat, too thin, to smart, to dumb, black, white, Asian, wear glasses or hearing aids, have a disability or just wear a pink shirt.
If a bully is looking for a target he or she isn't looking for a particular type of person, just anyone who I can feel superior to. I wish I knew that as a child. I was bullied for most of my school life because I had CP. Although I didn't always see it that way.
At one stage I convinced myself it was because needed to wear different school shoes. A bit like the boy in the pink shirt I guess. Somehow I convinced my mum and my physiotherapists to let me wear normal school shoes. Of course that didn't stop them for bulling me. Looking back, I was trying invein to look just like them and that gave them the power th needed to reduced me to tears and hide out in the library. That lasted until I was in Senior when I stood up and challenged the bullies. In effect I made a claim I was stronger than them. At least on the inside. The bullying stopped that day. Of course bullying doesn't stop because you grow up. The bullies grow up too. I have been bullied in different ways at different times during my adult life, because the person wanted to prove to themselves that thet were better than me of I needed them. So let's all stand up to bullies today. .
Thursday, March 15, 2012
On the tail of history
A Bright Future |
17 year old Nithin was this years winner of the Intel School Science Prize. Seven former winners have gone on to Win the Nobel Peace Prize. His project was to map the molecular pathways in a single cell to seen their roll in Breast Cancer. Nithin research has the potential to lead to better targeted and thus less toxic treatments for Breast Cancer patients.
He explains, "this is like looking for the elcassor pedal and trying to work out how to put the breaks on in cancer cells! The trying to work out how to let one foot come up slowly, while putting the other one down."
Pay it Forward Day
Download your Pay It Forward Cards From our resource page and register
Come share this please with us.
Come share the pleasure of reading
with us on MARCH 28 @ 4PM
As we Share the Books we loved reading.
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