We can change the world one by one. I once heard a story that went like this. . . . I thought to myself I will change THE WORLD! But then I thought to myself . . . No! That is too hard . . . So the I thought I would start with AUSTRALIA! (THE COUNTRY IN WHICH I LIVE) . . . No! Ahh! That is too big! I know I will start with QUEENSLAND! (THE STATE IN WHICH I LIVE!) . . . Ahh! Nar! That is still too big! I know, I know I will start with IPSWICH! (MY CITY) . . . May be even that is too big! How about I start with my neighbourhood! Umm! That still might be a little to big . . . So I think I will start with MY STREET! Umm! that may be still to big. . . . I know I will start with MY FAMILY! NO!
(Author Unknown)
(Author Unknown)
Some times the best changes start small. Like a couple of young lads in a back yard shed who formed a company that would one day become know as Apple. From little this bigger thing grow. The lads built a computer, no one could of predicted the impact the computer would have on the world. No matter how small and insignificant a change you are able to make you never know what a impact you may have. Its easy to not to try and easy to give-up the first time you fail but it real hard to be brave and make changes.
We all know the Harry Potter Books and Movies. Did you know that J.K. Rolling's first book was rejected seven times before she found a publisher. I bet those seven editors who read her first manuscript feel pretty unhappy with their decisions.
Changing the world doesn't need to huge. I not talking about being able too feed 9 billion people by the year 2050, I not talk about ensuring everyone has access to clean drinking water by 2030. I not even thinking about the next G20 Leaders meeting agreeing on a greenhouse emissions trading agreement. As for world peace, I am not the ONE PERSON to start that campaign.
I am thinking about grass roots things.Like maybe starting with yourself and making the people around you smile. May be you do need to start with yourself and just say thank you. Can you imagine what the world might look like if more people smiled and more people said thank you. Just making little changes make a huge difference.
Lets say your 10 years old (or may if your 30 you could try this too), may your parents annoy you some times and may be you think your parents just don't understand you, my hunch is they know a little bit more about the world than you do. I am guessing may be there not always right. But perhaps you could cut them some slack (no matter how old you are) and listen or at least say mum and/or dad, I know I don't always like what you say, but I do appreciate you care and want the best for me. Just a tip don't over do it and best not try to fake it cause they always know! Its their job they're you parents.
We are not telling you how to change the world or what to believe. Real change TAKES ONE strong person to look within themselves and make changes to be a catalysis for change.
Are you the ONE to make a change?
Debbie Chilton
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