Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Recommended Reading

Here's a delightful book

to share with the children

 in your life or

to sow into a life of a complete

stranger on March 28


See left tool bar for full details

But remember we're encouraging you

to share the book that most impacted 

Your Life.

This global event is continuing to gather monument

Come along and be part of history as we


Monday, February 27, 2012

Flash Mob - Share The Book!

What Book Will
You be Sharing 
With Others?

On March 28 2012 @ 4pm

On March 28th  you have the opportunity to come be involve in a global event. At 4 pm local time people are gathering at designed points around the world to Share The Book that has most influenced their lives.  This event started as one solo  event that was taken part in London and currently we have 30 locations, including LONDON, SYDNEY, BRISBANE, MICHIGAN, NEWPORT – ISLE OF WIGHT, LOS ANGELES AND IPSWICH.
Here’s some things to do
1.       Click on the telephone box above
2.       Indicate the event you will be attending
3.       Watch the promotional video
4.       Select a book and purchase a copy to give someone on the day.
5.       Download the flyer to place in the book so the person understands why you are giving them the book.
6.       Be inviting your friends and family, and spread the word through your social networks
7.       The week before the coordinator will post or email detailed instructions
8.       Make sure you understand all your instructions on where to meet and when to make your move
9.       On March 28 meet you coordinator on time.  Timing for this event is essential.
10.   Enjoy this world wide experience
Your coordinator is Debbie email: chilton1968@bigpon.com or ph 0421 401 788
We hope you see you at one of these locations

Peace One Day!

21 September 2012

World Peace Day

World Peace Day 21 Sept 2012






Sunday, February 26, 2012

Change the World Movie

Change the World Movie: I truly believe that most of the time...less is more. Sometimes, certain things viewed in certain ways have the ability to make an impact on our life in a positive way. I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best, "It is not fair to ask of others, what you are unwilling to do yourself"

Friday, February 24, 2012

Creating History

Cassidy Megan "Wants people with epilepsy
everywhere to know they are not alone" 
Ok! So you don't think you can change the world!  However there's a sure bet you can make an impact on the world, no matter who you are; where you live or how old you are.  Nine year old Cassidy thought she had a small vision to make a difference in her local community in Nova Scotia Canada in 2008, by  simply wearing purple on March 26 to raise awareness about epilepsy and those with seizure disorders.

Thus year Purple day will be celebrated by people around the world by people with epilepsy, their family and friends by simply wearing purple in solidarity. The message of Purple Day is very simple.

"People will seizure disorders are everyday people living everyday lives"
Cassidy Megan's simple message is
now recognized around the world
and she's now just a teenager! 
You can read more about this young history maker and the organization she has founded at Purple Day. "Cassidy's simple message is now celebrated around the world and at thirteen her life has only just began.  Think you can't make a difference simply by being different? Then I challenge you to think again. Cassidy has a host of excuses, but not one of them has stopped  her from changing the world.

May we encourage you to join Cassidy in transforming the world on March 26 simply by wearing purple.

The Role of History

Why do we look at historical figures who helped shaped the past? Because we believe that history has much to tells us. We can learn from visionaries and develop our own visions.  We can learn from the mistakes from the past. I believe that even Hitler's original vision had merit, it was human greed that was his down fall, leading to one of the darkest periods in human history. If we as visionaries of today and building the visionaries of the future, but repeat the mistakes of the past, then we are not going to move forward and shape a positive future.

In presenting this series on people who helped shape history we are aiming to take a holistic approach to world change. The answer does not stem from religion alone, not is financial security the solution to world povety, The  answers are much more complex. We need to answer them at a multi-face supply of basic  needs response political, economical, cultural, personal belief system, technological, educational, geographical and careful translation of social believes and boundaries.

History Makers

Olympe De Gouges
1748 to 1793
Born Marie Gouze, the French playwright was most definitely  a women before her time.  Her writings reached a wide audience and she was known as an political activist, feminist and abolitionist,

Marie once wrote " I was married a man I did not love and who was neither rich nor well-born. I was sacrificed for  no reason that could make up for the repugnance I felt for this man."  in her semi-autobiographical novel Memorie de Madame de Valmont contre la famille de Flaucourt 

Gouhes most well known work is "The Rights of Women.  In which she claimed women were the equal of men in all aspects of public and  private life. To her these rights should include the right to vote, hold public office, employment, public speaking engagement, obtain "Public Hounors" property ownership, military participation, education in marriage and even in the Church.  See The Rights of Women, 1791 to read the comprehensive list of Gouhes feminist views. Such ideas were ridicule highly at the time.   However, she was otherwise not successful as an author due to her poor education in particular poor spelling and grammar, yet manage to produce several plays.

Olympe Gouhes hopes for the embracing the equality of men and women were raised when the French Revolution broke out, but she soon learn that equal rights would not be extended to women. She became more involve and vocal where even she saw injustice been done, regesiting her protest test through he writings.  Her final pieces that lead to her arrest were The Three Urns, or the Salvation of the Country, and By An Aerial Traveler which were pro the new French government.  Even so she tired to mount her defence using her early writings to demonstrate she was in support of the revolution, however it became quite evident that her ideas went far beyond what the ruling party had in mind. on November 2 1793 Gouges was sentences to death for trying to reinstate the monarchy. 


Thursday, February 23, 2012


On March 28th  you have the opportunity to come be involve in a global event. At 4 pm local time people are gathering at designed points around the world to Share The Book that has most influenced their lives.  This event started as one solo  event that was taken part in London and currently we have 30 locations, including LONDON, SYNDENY, BRISBANE, MICHIGAN, NEWPORT – ISLE OD WIGHT, LOST ANGELES AND IPSWICH.
Here’s some things to do
1.       Click on the telephone box above
2.       Indicate the event you will be attending
3.       Watch the promotional video
4.       Select a book and purchase a copy to give someone on the say.
5.       Download the flyer to place in the book so the person understands why you are given them the book.
6.       Be inviting your friends and family, and spread the word through your social networks
7.       The week before the coordinator will post or email detailed instructions
8.       Make sure you understand all your instructions on where to meet and when to make your move
9.       On March 28 meet your coordinator on time.  Timing for this event is essential.
10.   Enjoy this world wide experience
Your coordinator is Debbie email: chilton1968@bigpon.com or ph 0421 401 788
We hope to you see you at one of these locations

Let's Dance!

"You can dance anywhere even if
its only in your heart & soul! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Smile! Its Simple! It's Free! It brightens the world!

Today the Facebook Pay If Forward Crew

are smiling to help transform the world!

How to spread the word

You can download and print your own 
Pay It Forward Cards
by clicking on our resource button in
the main menu. When doing a Random 
Act of Kindness dispel some of the myth
let people now you believe random arts
of kindness have the power to transform 
the world. A act of kindness can be as
simple as helping some to there care with
their shopping, buy a chocolate for the
person who serves you at the checkout,
or asking them to add the persons behind
you in the like coffee or taking extra donnuts
back to the office.    Help those in need is
fantastic but I believe paying it forward
to a random stranger will transform the world.

How will you Pay It Forward today?   

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Food For Thought by Mark Doggett

Mark Doggett, is a member of the Pay It Forward Experience Facebook group.  Today Mark shares 

is powerful  insight on the human condition of self-preoccupation. Mark explains what is selfish 

and what is  not! 

As I was thinking more than I should about things and considering Kindness and Paying it forward I a devils advocate thought came into my head and I have been working out my thoughts and I wanted to share the question and the answer I have come up with......

Let's talk about what it means to be selfish:

We are selfish when we only consider ourselves and do not consider the effect our behavior has on others.
We are selfish when we expect others to give themselves up and do what we want them to do, rather than do what brings them joy or is in their highest good.
We are selfish when we keep drawing a conversation back to ourselves rather than listening to and caring about what someone else is saying.
We are selfish when we punish others when they think and feel differently than we do.
We are selfish when we harm others for our own ends.

Now let's talk about what is not selfish:

We are being self-responsible, not selfish, when we do what brings us joy with no intent to harm another, even if another person doesn't like it.
We are being self-responsible, not selfish, when we support our own highest good, even when someone wants us to do something other than what we are doing.
We are being self responsible when we are considerate of others' wants and needs without giving ourselves up.
Many of us were taught that if others are upset with us for our choices, we are somehow responsible for their feelings. We were taught that if we continue to do something that is upsetting to another, we are wrong, bad, and selfish. When parents teach this to their children, it has nothing to do with supporting their children's highest good. It is purely about wanting to control their children into doing what the parents want them to do. When parents do this, they are the ones being selfish, while telling their children that they are the selfish ones when they don't do what the parents want.

Food for thought.......

(c) Copyright Mark Doggett, 2012

Thanks Mark for join us at It Takes One today.

Monday, February 20, 2012

How does a Flash Mob Work?

Well, we're glad you asked!

We hope this video helps!

On March 28, 2012 @ 4pm

You're invite to take part in

A Global Event

Click on the phone box on 

the left to find out more

and become involved! 

or email us for more information.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Steve Jobs History Shaper

No one denies the personal computer has revolutionized our lives. We now live in a global world, creating global communities and global economies. Yet the IT world is constantly growing and involving. You may not even be accessing our blog on a PC mostly likely your using a moblie device while your doing some other type of activity.  So aren't go glad Steve Jobs co-founded Apple?

Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011
      In 1974 Steve Jobs started work for a company called Atari as a video game programmer. Until 1976 he and Steve Wozniak started a little company called Apple with the release of Apple I, Convinced that user-friendly personalized computers were the way of the future. The small company which they started in their back shred, quickly grew and revolutionized the computer industry.

There first model was follow by Apple II, the Macintosh and Power Mac series.  Steve left Apple in 1986, but rejoined the company as CEO. The company first traded on the sock market for 1.2 billion. 

When Steve Jobs left Apple he started a computer hardware and software company NeXT the in 1988 and release the first NeXT computer that year.  However, the had a very limited market selling only about 50,000 units in total. Apple brought the NeXT for $439 million and   1.5 million shares of Apple stock in 1996 and Steve Jobs became the CEO.   The Next technology became the foundation of the Mac OS X

This was the essentials concept in the development of the personal computer including the platform for Tim Berners-Leeas as he developed the World Wide Web

In 2001 the first Ipod went on sale with Apple launching its Itunes site in 2003. The first Iphone was sold in 2007 and the Ipad in 2010. 

In 2003 Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but continues to have a key role in developments at Apple. His illness was later revealed in 2004. Steve resigned as CEO in August and loss his battle with cancer in October last year.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pay It Forward Tees

We have a bulk order of

Pay It Forward T-Shirts

These are AU $16

or AU $18 with postage

email asap if you want to order

or they are available direct for the 

US for US $ 18 each









Recommended Reading

I believe our most important role the process of
world change is the behaviour we model to those
closest to us. We can feed the world, clothe the poor,
provide clean water and medicine to the sick, but
if we can't model world changing behaviour to 
the next generation then our best efforts are in vain.
for parents (and aunts) to impact the lives of future 
generations. At It Takes One, we believe world change
ours one person at a time. If you can pass the bandon 
the world change stops with you. Sure were need answers
of a world scale and much of the socio-economic 
thinking of our world leaders needs to be challenged,
but it is equally important to be shaping our
future leaders.  If that's the only thing you have time
to contribute then that's not a bad legacy to leave.

On MARCH 28 2012, 

there is a movement gathering around the world


And the list is growing

at 4pm local time people
from all walks of life are 
gathering to Share The Book
That turned their world 
inside out and upside down. 
reducing themselves to tears 
as a way to PAY IT FORWARD
in their local community. 
 Is there a better way to sow into
our community life than to impact
the lives of future generations
through  Share A Book

So on MARCH 28 @ 4 PM

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Recommended Reading

How To Be A Super Bear


Written for Children aged 4 to 94

Because some of us never grow up :-)

There more than likely to be

Children of this age at

Queens Park in Ipswich

on March 28 @ 4pm

So maybe you want to buy one of

These to share with someone you don't know.

Not Sure what's happening on March 28

this is you're chance to be part of a 

Global Event - Share The Book

an opportunity to sow into a complete strangers life

A 4pm in your time zone people will be gathering to

give a book that has changed their life to a 

random stranger at various points around the world.

for more details or email.

Can't make it give someone a

copy of the book that turned your life

upside down and reduced you to tears.

Put it in a strangers letter box




Thursday, February 9, 2012

Recommended Reading

When I found you by Catherine Ryan Hyde - author of Pay It Forward.  Available through  Amazon Share this with others and Pay If Forward

Friday, February 3, 2012

Pay It Forward Tees

We have finalized the bulk T-shirt order numbers and sent nos. through to the US.  We are now waiting for a price and if you have ordered a T-shirt you will receive an invoice by email you will be asked to confirm your order and make payment in 14 days. As we have ordered extras you are still welcome to purchase you Tees from us or directly for PIF.  We are considering making a second order in May/June so drop  us a line or leave a comment and let us know at any time if for want Tees or use the links on the side bar to make direct orders.

Thank you