My theory is one person can be a catalysis for real change. I invite readers to join me to be a positive change in the world. . . One by One
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The Pay It Forward T-Shirt
2 Designs!
One Low Price
Order Yours Now!
T - Shirts US$ 18 plus postage & handling
We are currently neogating a bulk order price with the US
This is also a fundraiser for the Pay It Forward Foundation
$1 from every sale goes towards costs of
getting bracelets sent across the globe
If you are participating in the Flash Mob Share The Book
on March 28 2012
and you want you T-shirt by then we need your order
by This Friday 3rd February - a commitment purchase
is not made until confirmed by e-mail
we will look at doing another bulk order in May
Please indicate you perference on the left
or email us
Friday, January 27, 2012
Are You Ready
To Share The Book
. . . That changed your life . . .
With Others?
For all the details and resources
Click here or visit Facebook page
Please paste the flyer
inside the book you'll
be giving to someone
on March 28 2012
Details are also on the
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Share The Book Promotion
Flyers and posters are also available
In the mean time next week
online we want you to share that book with us.
See events page for details
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
What is the book
that turned your life upside down?
What was the book that reduced you to tears?
What was the book that stopped you in your tracks?
What was the book that made you evaluate your life,
take stock and make changes to your life?
Whether that book is Fiction or Non-fiction
we want you to share that book with us . . .
From 30 th January to 3 rd February 2012
on MARCH 28 2012 @ 4PM
People all over the world will be sharing the book that change there lives
with people they never meet. At meeting spots across the Globe
In flash mob type presentations
Through social media and where you meet people in the
course of your daily lives
What impact on the world would it have
if YOU shared the book that changed your life with others.
World change is as simple as passing on information to others
enabling others to catch your vision and desire to share love.
I clearly remember the book that changed
the course of my life completely!
Unfortunately its out of print
But I will be sharing it will you during our
Why not take the opportunity to sow into some ones life
during the week and give them a copy of ~
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Director's Poem
Pay It Forward
It’s the simple things that make us smile,
A polite hello or an act that kind,
Random people, doing random things,
Forgot your wallet just let me pay,
Don’t process my card just yet
I’ll pay for the next person in the cheque,
All I ask is they do the same and pay it forward.
You can wait all day and not find the right soul,
Or keep it random when you do the kindness thing,
Random people, doing random things,
Blessing others is the business we’re in,
I’ll open the door that’s quiet a load,
While here I'm let me help you carry it to your car,
All I ask is they do the same and pay it forward.
It’s not your job to play judge,
Assessing who needs your help, just,
Random people, doing random things,
How people appear doesn’t reveal their need,
You’ve no idea of what’s happen before,
Pay a bill or buy a stranger lunch,
All I ask is they do the same and pay it forward.
A concept that pure and simple,
Even you can do, regardless of who you are,
Random people, doing random things,
Stick tape coins to a vending machine,
Having no concern about what it’s used for,
Leave a not above the coins saying,
All I ask is they do the same and pay it forward.
Debbie Chilton © Copyright, 13 January 2012
You are invited
You are invited to Share . . .
The Book That Changed
Your Life!
From the 30th Jan to 3rd Feb 2012
This serves to lead us into
our month of Sharing The Love
and get us read for an event
so big it is going to rock
the Globe
March 28 2012 @ 4pm
We want YOU to share the
Book that turned your world
inside out and upside down.
What ever that book was for you.
The book - that made you stop
and realise - this Life is not about me!
An Awesome Birthday!
York celebrated her 26 Birthday by performing 26 Random Acts of Kindness. Reading her diary you can actually feel the love that filled her very special day. It really is essential reading for anyone who is serious about world change and making our lives the best experience it can be. Some of her acts of kindness were leaving a bunch of flower on a car windscreen and taking coffee in to a group of employees at 4am.
York displays my attitude to the Pay It Forward Experience. These act should be completely random in nature. While there's merit in buying a homeless person a meal or babysitting for a single mum. Everybody deserves kindness in there lives and it is not for use to decide who needs it. Her decision to leave flowers on a random car illustrate my thoughts so well. York could not have known the owner of the car mother died the day before.
Through a random set of events, the car own posted his experience on facebook and the seven degrees of separation took over and word of the identity of the recipient got back to York. Many of us will never know the ripple effects of our random acts of kindness. However York's story illustrates how neat the 'randomness' of our actions can be, if we leave the recipients to chance.
Regardless to the approach you take to The Pay It Forward Experience what really counts is you are making the world a better place to live.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Check it out!!!
Hey guys. How did you spend Christmas? Check out this awesome gift The Love Bomb
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Its Coming!
Share The Book
March 28 2012
@ 4pm
Your in vitiation is waiting for you
Please contact Debbie for details in your
State within Australia.
We also need a person to coordinate in each location.
Contact Debbie if you can help.
See you there!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Paying It Forward
I love reading messages of Pay it Forward, when I'm out. Today my idea is to shake things up abit, not always to do things the same. Let the person on before you in the bus even if you have a child and they offer and they are a man or a teenager. Everyone is important. Let someone in the line go first and wait longer , whats the rush and they are your family in the scheme of things.... Xx
Sandy Lee Jones
Sandy Lee Jones
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Flash Mob 4.18
![]() |
ON MARCH 28 2012?
AT 16:00 HOURS
See our events page full details
Please watch the video
which explains what will be happening or
For information on all
Australian Locations
contact the
Australian It Takes One Office
0421 401 788
Can you assist on the 28th March
We need coordinators at each Location
please phone for a information pack us if you can assist.
Friday, January 6, 2012
What Do I Have To Give
A question asked in our
Pay It Forward Group
My answer was as follows . . .
With multiple disabilities I need assistance with so many daily tasks. As I am unable to work full time I am on a government benefit. Couple with the additional needs, such a wheelchairs, medical safety alert, medications and paying for assistance. Many ask what I have to give. I see Pay It Forward as an attitude. A deliberate choice we make when we walk out the door each day to serve others or in my case my carers walk in the door. Yep! Buying a stranger a cup of coffee is a neat idea, but PIF or giving doesn’t need to involve money. Another term you can use is an act of serve or voluntary work.
I have one thing that being single and not being able to work. Would you want someone who has uncontrollable seizures working for you? Where my body fails, my mind takes over and a very creative mind at that! I process things that money can’t buy and gift and talents that many don’t.
A lot of my time is given to sharing knowledge. Someone else gets the credit and even paid for my research big deal! If you really want to Pay It Forward get over yourself and do it quickly. The way I see it is knowledge is mind the ideas are not.
During the 12 Gifts of Christmas some ways I pay It Forward was to write testimorals for companies I brought products for.
An attitude of thanks goes along way. I have a take-away shop at the end of my street. Exit assistance is no trouble. Tell the young staff the ROCK said more than thank you. Sometimes Pay It Forward is about using generational lingo or dialect. That takes listing skills and time. Believe me people noticed these things is a society that is time poor.
Go back to basics – Grandma’s baking, write letters, make phone calls rather than text. (OK I’m a text hater!) mending, ironing, wash cars, often to return trolleys. They don’t need to be elderly, disable or have kids hang off them. Random acts of kindness is helping anyone when opportunity presents. You don’t know if the well dress person is late for a flight or come from a funnel. Don’t judge Pay It Forward to everyone
Give up your seat especially if you got the best one! If you got a window sea, offer it to a child who can look out the window in awe. By the way getting to enjoy their sense of joy is their free gift to you.
Hand make cards and gifts (don’t buy handmade – do it yourself! If you cheat your cheating yourself) OK when you have CP your friends can tell and the impact is always greater but I bet your friends and appreciate the time and effort you put in too.
Write Letters – do you know there’s elderly people in nursing home that never got a visit, a present or even a card over Christmas signing up to right to the forgotten ones international is one of my favourite gifts I gave that and writing to one of my carers whose hard a pretty tough year.
Adopt a grand-parent, niece or nephew - with family breakdowns there’s kids growing up without father figures and single people like me who don’t grandkids. (I am very blessed that my nieces and nephews visit.) or you could baby sit a friends children so they can have a date night.(remember to charge it to the Pay It Forward account.)
Donate blood – in Australia you don’t get payed to donate blood, blood products or organs.
I also donate online – a great charity is I give a buck! You can give as little as a $1 to a specific child’s need. For example bed rails. If an items costs $2,451 then 2451 give $1 the special need is able to be purchase. That’s a lot less than a cup of coffee.
Pay It Forward "The Group!"
Is one of the fastest growing
groups on Facebook
an we're a closed group,
a member of the group needs
to invite you to join.
If you want to join just leave a comment!
Where will you be on March 28
There's a group of Pay It Forwards travelling to London in March to participate in a Flash Mob Share The Book, Have you read the book that has impacted 1,000's of lives around the world and reduced many to tears . . . Pay It Forward "The Book" - 2012 is The Year of TURNING THE WORLD INSIDE OUT AND PAYING IT FORWARD. Are you ready to join thousands around the world turn the world inside out and upside down in 2012?
Now a group of us are thinking not all of us can jump on a plan and be in Trafalar Square London on March 28. So we are currently discussing organising local flash mobs to meet where ever they are in that moment in time.
Now if your wondering what a Flash Mob is the are large groups of people that spontaneous meet in a place at a give point of time for a specific reason or cause. And on March 28 the is to Tell the world about THE BOOK we believe has the power to transform the world. As such the is n marketing or advertising involve. We are simply asking you to spread the word through your social media contacts. Twitter, Facebook, Goggle + , Utube and all your email contacts of course.
All the logistic of this even can be found at Flash Mob Share The Book now its your turn if your interested in getting involved, organizing an event in your city, within Australia email Debbie. One we have all the meeting places, a coordinator for each location and a time. We will set up an events page and invite you and then it will be up to you guys!
For Ipswich, Queensland, Australia I suggest the Routna in Queens Park. I'll be coordinator on the day.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Are you getting ready for our hug challenge?
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